Mini motorways review
Mini motorways review

mini motorways review

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The basic premise is similar to that of Mini Metro, in that you take on the role of a civil engineer to build connections between houses and institutions. A PC review copy of Mini Motorways was provided by Dinosaur Polo Club for this review. With a title that strips away any shoe-horned attempt at narratives and any complex mechanics that take weeks to learn, what remains is an accessible and engaging experience. If you played Mini Metro, the previous transport puzzler from Dinosaur Polo Club, then you probably know what to expect, and allow me to tell you that once again the developer delivers.

mini motorways review

Easy to learn, hard to master, and very addictive. Watch a 30 second clip of the game and you understand almost everything you need to play. U pitanju je odlian puzzler, meavina strategije i simulacije koja se moe iznova igrati do beskraja. doneo Mini Metro, tako da unapred znamo o emu se radi. Mini Motorways dolazi iz studija Dinosaur Polo Club, istog onog koji nam je 2015. There isn’t much else to say about Mini Motorways. Moda je ovo trebalo sauvati za zakljuak, ali hajde da malo okrenemo formu. I’ll get that out of the way before digging into the nitty-gritty. Motorways fits in well with someone who enjoys doing something like Wordle or Sudoku on a daily basis. Instead, he might have found himself like I did, confused at 3am, wondering how he was still drawing new routes through Rio De Janeiro.

mini motorways review

Evidently, Tom hadn’t been playing Mini Motorways, otherwise, he’d have barely been able to pull himself away from his Switch for long enough to even mutter the line in the first place. As Tom Cochrane once sang, “life is a highway, I want to ride it, all night long”.

Mini motorways review